Next to our activities on the sell-side, we also work actively on the Buy-Side for qualified buyers who have defined precisely what it is they are looking for.
What we do is:
- Help define what the buyer is looking for
- Draw up a list of potential targets
- Approach the targets to determine possible sell interest
- Agree confidentiality agreements
- Put together a short summary of the target company
- Bring the Buyer and the potential Seller together
- Manage the complete process including due diligence (we don’t do the due diligence ourselves)
- Help with contract negotiations
- Assist in the signing

The advantage for the buyer is, that we can research certain industries, finding which companies are there and addressing them to determine, who might be available. Having us approach potential targets also helps keep prices in a reasonable range, since being approached by a “big multinational company” can quickly raise the price.
Our Executive Search Division also manages to gather a surprising amount of data about the industry and can often be helpful in identifying likely targets for further exploration.
If you are interested in pursuing acquisitions in Germany, please contact us with your requirements.